How To Reset Ram 1500 Air Suspension? (Explained)

Resetting RAM 1500 is quite simple. Just press the reset button, found on the console, for about 40 seconds. However, if this way doesn’t work; try disconnecting the battery, or checking the fuse of your suspension system for a hard reset.

The Ram 1500 has an advanced suspension that you will find on many modern vehicles. Its primary function is to make your driving experience less bumpy and more comfortable. However, users have often reported some problems with it.

One of the common queries that people ask regarding RAM 1500 is its Air suspension reset method. To help car owners deal with it, we have created this article.

In our piece, we will take an in-depth look into it and learn about the commonly encountered problems with Ram 1500 Air suspension.

4 Simple Ways To Do Ram 1500 Air Suspension Reset

How To Reset Ram 1500 Air Suspension

The suspension malfunction of your Ram 1500 can be triggered by many things. So, you may need to opt for different solutions based on the situation.

Here, we’ll take a look at four different ways in which you can reset the Ram 1500 Air suspension.

1. Press the Reset Button

It is the simplest method of fixing the Ram 1500 Air suspension malfunction. All you have to do is locate the Air suspension button on the console of your vehicle.

Then, press the button on the upper and lower side and hold it for about 30_40 seconds. This will reset the suspension system to normal riding mode.

2. Disconnect the Battery

In certain cases, you’ll find holding the reset button doesn’t change anything. This mostly happens due to a software glitch. Don’t worry, since you can easily fix this issue too.

If the buttons don’t work for some reason, try disconnecting the battery of the suspension. You can connect it later; an hour may be fine. Doing so will not only reset the suspension but also fix any software glitches.

3. Check the Fuse of the Suspension

It has been observed that a damaged fuse can also lead to a malfunction in the Air 1500 suspension. No matter what you try to fix the suspension, you’ll fail if there’s a failing fuse.

So, to fix that, locate the Ram 1500 fuse box in the engine housing of your car. The fuse’s location may vary based on the vehicle. It may be a bit tricky to find it if you have no idea about the fuse.

Don’t know what a fuse looks like? Look for an F50 fuse green in color on the right side of the box. The fuse should be 40 amps.

You can easily remove the fuse with a plier. Try installing a new fuse of the same specifications in its place. Turn the vehicle off, and the suspension should work just fine now.

4. Change the Suspension Settings from the Display Console

A lot of users have stated that leaving their suspension on default mode causes the issue. If such is the case, try shifting to different modes manually. This may help fix the issue.

To do so, select the suspension option from your vehicle’s display console. Then, you can align the height of the vehicle manually. You can either choose one of the preset heights offered by default or set it manually.

Since your final goal is to reset the suspension, we suggest you manually adjust the height to the default value.

4 Main Causes of Ram 1500 Air Suspension Problems

Multiple problems may force you to perform the Ram 1500 Air suspension reset. However, knowledge of the causes of malfunction may help you prevent the issue.

Here’s a list of four main reasons behind Ram 1500 problems:

#1 Leakage in the Suspension

The Ram 1500 Air suspension fundamentally uses air springs. These springs are mostly made of rubber components that can corrode over time. If the corrosion leads to a leak, the springs will stop working properly, which in turn will lead to a malfunction.

However, this can be detected simply. To do so, simply spray some soapy water on the air springs. If there’s any leak in the spring system, you’ll find white formations on them after some time.

#2 Cold Weather

Cold weather may also alter the functioning of the Ram 1500 suspension system since it heavily relies on air compression.

In winter, as the temperature drops, so does the air pressure. This keeps the suspension from functioning properly. In drastic cases, this can lead to a compressor failure as well.

#3 Adjustment Problems

One of the major issues that keep the Ram 1500 Air suspension system from resetting is an improper adjustment. This is mainly caused by one of the airbags on the sides, as these tend to deteriorate fast.

So, if you’re facing issues with a Ram 1500 Air suspension, we recommend checking the airbags on the sides. If any of the bags aren’t working properly, a quick replacement will fix the issue for you.

#4 Malfunctioning Air Compressor

The air compressor plays a crucial role in keeping the suspension functional. Excess moisture and load can reduce the effectiveness of the air compressor. Once the functionality reduces, the compressor fails to float the vehicle. You may also hear noises once the compressor gets too damaged.

You can check for this in two ways. Firstly, look at the height of your vehicle and cross-check the actual height with what you set it up to. Secondly, check for alerts in the display console.


How to Find Ram 1500 Air Suspension Fuse Location?

You’ll find the air suspension fuse in the fuse box under the hood. s

Once you find the fuse box, look for a green fuse on its right side. The fuse should be 40 amps and will be named F50.

How to Disable Air Suspension on Ram 1500?

To turn off the suspension on your RAM 1500, look for “aero mode” in the infotainment setting and turn it off.


Air Suspension problems with Ram 1500 are a common occurrence. However, it must feel easy now to reset with our recommended steps.

Since there are multiple ways of fixing this issue, try using any of them. However, make sure to follow the methods serially. This will save you some time and money as the simpler fixes are listed first.

Let us know in the comments which fix works for you!

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William Baldwin

This Is William Baldwin, The Founder & Managing Editor of this website. Me and my team share automotive tips, tricks, and news

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Talha Atta

Talha Atta, a Mechanical Engineer and experienced technical content writer and editor at with a passion for the automotive industry.