How Long Can A Car Sit Before The Battery Dies?

Car battery being the one of the most important part of car need outmost attention. A car battery can power AC, music system, and headlights for several hours while car being in idling state. Similarly a car battery can power sound system and headlights for few hours with engine being off. Whatever the condition is your car need recharging and without regular recharging your battery would not last long.

Batteries are an essential part of any type of vehicle. The most important contribution of a battery is that it allows you to start your car when needed. However, when the battery is weak or damaged, you may face inconvenience.

The problem becomes really annoying when you are at hurry and can’t turn the car on. So, how long can a car sit before the battery dies? This question comes to the minds of almost all car owners as they may have face battery issues.

In this article, we have given our best to give you a proper answer to that question. We had to do a lot of research and then we were able to bring the following points before you. So let’s find out how long a car can sit before its battery dies.

Does Idling Car Drain Battery?

Yes, Idling car drain battery but there are certain conditions for that. If your car at idling state consume more power than the engine produce through alternator or serpentine belt, it will consume battery charge.

Example, if your car is at idle state and you run your car AC, custom high power music system, and head lights then your car will consume power from battery.

As idling is a state when your car stand still with engine own. So at idling state your car engine will run the alternator and your car battery will have some backup.

In fact, the battery can last up to several hours with our car at idling state. This means, if your car has a battery life of X hours, the battery can last up to about XX hours before being completely drained.

How Long Can a Car Sit Before the Battery Dies?

It can last for hours before being completely drained. A fully charged car battery can power your AC, music system and head lights for several hours before it dies.

This also depends on your battery health. A new battery with excellent health condition can last longer than an old battery with poor health conditions.

It also depends on your car system. If your car have high power consuming systems like high power consuming headlights or music system or AC system. Then your car battery will drain at high speed as compared to the car with standard low power consuming setup.

How long can a car sit before the battery dies Infographic

How Long Does a Car Battery Last Without Driving?

This is a good question because some people leave their cars for longer period of time. In this case, they should know how long a car battery lasts without driving.

However, it all depends on the age and use of the car and the battery. On average, however, we find that a car battery lasts about four weeks to two months without any driving.

Also, keep in mind that weather affects car batteries. For example, if the weather is hot, the battery will die quickly. This loss can be offset if your car is equipped with a relatively high-powered electronics device.

If you do not use your car, it will be difficult for the battery to hold its charge. The main reason behind this is that the alternator cannot work if the car is not used. Now, the question may be what is the alternator.

An alternator is a generator for a car’s electrical system that provides power to other electrical components, such as internal lighting, stereo, and headlights while maintaining battery charge.

How Long Does a Car Battery Last Without Being Charged?

This is a common thing among us – we often forget to charge the battery in our busy daily life. So, how long does a car battery last without being charged?

A running car engine will charge battery through alternator but this usually not sufficient for battery and it need external charging setup once in a while.

On average, a fully charged battery can last from two and a half weeks without any charging. In this case, the battery must be new. The time zone of the old ones will be reduced.

Can a Car Battery Go Dead From Sitting?

Of course. You may have left your car and thought that its battery is not being used. Like the car, the battery is sitting and relaxing. But your thinking is completely wrong. Even if your car is relaxing, the battery can still go dead.

The battery keeps the various systems of the car, such as climate control, alarm system, and other computer systems running. Also, the weather can cause battery hazards. Suppose you leave your car in hot weather. What will happen? The battery will continue to drain and die at some point.

What to Do if Your Battery Is Dead?

What should you do if your car battery dies? If your car battery dies due to prolonged sitting, you can try jump-starting to start the car. This method is very effective for long-sitting cars and dead batteries.

You can wait and put your car battery on charging at your local workshop. This is take a lot of your time but its the most efficient and reliable solution.

If your car battery is completely dead, then all you can do is completely replace your car battery.

How to Store a Car Battery?

Car batteries are expensive and this is why most of the time losing batteries is annoying and expensive for you. To avoid all these hassles, you need to know how to store your car battery properly.

If you find that you are leaving your car for a long time, disconnect the battery from the car and keep it separate. There are other things you can do to save your car battery:

  • Always make sure that your car battery is fully charged. This is what you need to do when using the car and when leaving the car. It will prolong the battery life.
  • Cleanliness is a part of faith. In this case, you should keep this in mind too. You need to clean the car battery specially their terminals regularly. You need to clean the electrolyte and corrosion buildups. Failure to do so may result in corrosion of the battery terminals.
  • You can easily clean the battery by mixing baking soda with water and rubbing it with a brush. However, after cleaning, wipe the battery completely with a clean rag.
  • Check your car battery regularly for any possible damage. Because if the damage is deep and you didn’t notice- will be a nuisance for both you and your car.
  • Regular battery recharge means you are giving the battery extra life. Monitor the battery regularly. Check the battery as often as possible. With a voltmeter, you can check the voltage of your car battery.
  • If you do not want to use your car for a long time, store both the car and the battery properly. It is best to keep the battery separate from the car. The main reason behind a battery being discharged is the weather.
  • Store your car battery in a dry, clean, well-ventilated place. The temperature at which place the battery will be stored should be 4.44-15.56 degrees Celsius. The place should not be too hot or too cold and excessively humid.

Frequently Asked Question

1. How do you charge your car battery?

You need a car battery charger for this. Connect negative terminal of charger with ground connection of car (it can be any unpainted car surface). Connect positive terminal of charger with positive terminal of battery. Start the charging process.

2. Can you use a lead-acid battery on a car that doesn’t have one?

Lead-acid batteries cannot be used in cars without a dedicated battery box.

3. I’ve had my battery checked and it looks fine but the car won’t start. What could be the problem?

Several problems can cause a car not to start, including a dead or weak battery, an incorrect alternator output voltage, corroded connections on your alternator or starter motor cables, and worn-out spark plugs.

4. How can I tell if my car battery is expired?

Expired batteries will have a reduced capacity and may show reduced performance in terms of starting your car, idling smoothly, or having a longer range.

How Long Can a Car Sit Without Being Driven?


In conclusion, be sure to follow the battery care instructions that came with it. If you don’t have the instructions, or if you’re not sure what they are, consult your dealer or search online for battery care instructions. If the car’s battery is not working properly, the best course of action is to bring it in for service.

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William Baldwin

This Is William Baldwin, The Founder & Managing Editor of this website. Me and my team share automotive tips, tricks, and news

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Talha Atta

Talha Atta, a Mechanical Engineer and experienced technical content writer and editor at with a passion for the automotive industry.